Youth Endowment Fund ECVYS bid with voluntary groups

Posted on: May 26, 2020

Content from ECVYS

Dear ECVYS supporter, a couple of weeks ago we forwarded information about the Youth Endowment funds covid-19 round

“The Youth Endowment Fund’s COVID-19 grant round will fund and evaluate work which supports vulnerable young people (predominantly aged 10 to 14) at risk of youth violence, and can be delivered whilst adhering to UK government social distancing and stay-at-home guidelines.”

As ECVYS, we don’t directly deliver youth work, but do try our hardest to support and enable the voluntary sector to be the best providers of youth work that they can be. The YEF has recently enabled lots of conversations about what the immediate future might look like in regards to youth work and how we can work together to provide a great offer of detached youth work across Essex, Southend and Thurrock.

Local youth organisations are key to communities and it would be amazing to work together to achieve the same outcomes through our detached work.

The PFCC and Active Essex have put some matched funding towards a bid for the voluntary sector if we can pull it together!….BUT we don’t have long at all!

We are looking for organisations who would like to work with us on a bid to the YEF to fund detached youth work in each district of Essex (inc Southend and Thurrock) for one year. We would particularly like to hear from local groups who know their communities well and have some experience in detached youth work, with a capacity to offer the work already, AND who are in a position to commit to this imminently as the funding bid needs to be in by the 3rd June! (I know!)

A suggested outcome for this project would be-

To protect and support vulnerable young people in Essex aged 10-14 through detached youth work provision, delivered by locally based voluntary youth organisations.


  1. Offering a safe environment with a trusted adult(s) for young people that may not currently have this in place due to Covid-19
  2. Providing positive activities for young people to get involved with through a mix of detached sessions to suit young people’s needs i.e around physical activity/ mental health/ craft/ chill out and chat (all delivered in a safe way).
  3. Encourage and support young people by growing their networks and showing that physical isolation does not have to mean they are socially isolated
  4. Help ease the transition back into formal education and further youth work/ volunteering opportunities

If this is something that you know your organisation can confidently deliver then you can pop me an email to arrange a chat, but I would really like you to fill in the questions below as an expression of your interest and get them back to me by Monday 1st June at 12pm

Please let me know-

  1. What is the name of your Organisation, contact details and aims and objectives?
  2. What is your organisations background and experience with detached work?
  3. If you don’t have much experience with detached work, please can you explain how you will make sure that your organisation is able to commit to this project?
  4. We would like this funding to be allocated to locally based groups who have youth workers who know the area. Which district would you be most interested in covering? (You can say more than one District, but please explain why if you can.)
  5. Why do you think that your organisation will be the best one to deliver this in your district?
  6. How would you be able to deliver detached work safely, and what approach would you take to the work?
  7. Would you be able to commit to allocating a district based detached worker for 18hrs a week, for a year if we allocate your organisation £25,000? Please also provide costings totalling £25,000 showing 8hrs face to face work, 10hrs planning or support and other cost such as mileage, office costs, supervision costs etc.
  8. Are you in a financial position to commit to taking on this project for a year?
  9. Do you have the correct insurance to run this work? (i.e public liability of 10 million?)
  10. Any other comments or information that you feel may be useful?

(Please note that this project is not designed to increase the size of your organisation, it would be ideally used by voluntary youth organisations who are looking to reassign centre based youth workers that can no longer work in their centres due to Covid-19. We do hope that strong links can also be formed with local schools so that when the bad weather hits you can transfer safely some detached work into school buildings or your youth centres. )

Our Trustees are really committed to make this happen and would love to see the YEF fund utilised by our local voluntary groups. I hope you think this is a good idea too, and hopefully will give us the chance to show off the fact that the voluntary sector in Essex is amazing and can achieve some great work together. Our Trustees will discuss on Wednesday afternoon any expressions of interest from organisations (who will have emailed me the answers to the questions above. I will then let you know on Tuesday 2nd June who we feel can best meet the criteria and work with us in the YEF bid…From there I will apply to the fund and wait to hear from the YEF with baited breath!

This is a great opportunity to pull groups together and support young people across Essex who may be feeling slightly lost and alone at this time, and I hope you will be as excited as we are to take this forward.

Thank you so much for your time,

Rachel Brett
CEO: Essex Council for Voluntary Youth Services (ECVYS)
[email protected]

Author: Steering Member
Categories: News

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