Suicide Awareness Hub – Mind in West Essex

Posted on: July 26, 2021

The key feature of our Suicide Awareness Hub is a free two part course that has two aims:

  • Prevent suicides
  • Give anyone the confidence and skills to be able to have supportive conversations with people who may be feeling suicidal, to know what to say (and what to avoid) and to help the person get the right support for them.

Generally we rarely talk about suicide, it’s often only when we hear about or know someone who has died do we talk about it. This lasts all too briefly and then the topic usually goes quiet.

There are some understandable worries people have about talking to someone who may be feeling suicidal that stop them having open conversations. Worries such as “If I ask them if they are feeling suicidal, that will put the idea into their minds, they will go and make an attempt and it’ll be my fault” (this isn’t true, if someone says yes, they will have been thinking about it before and you are not responsible for their actions) or “If I ask them and they say they are feeling suicidal I won’t know what to do next” (you will after attending our course).

Find out more about the course dates here.

Author: Steering Member
Categories: News

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