SELEP Social Enterprise Prospectus

Posted on: January 23, 2020

As you are aware SELEP (in collaboration with SEEE) has produced a Prospectus for the Social Enterprise sector (see below).  Over the next few months there will a soft launch of this including at ESEN’s next networking event on the 10 February.

SELEP have asked us to advise them of any other events that are taking place over the next few months that can be utilised to launch the Prospectus and or the social enteprise sector.  Moreover, if there are any communication channels that can be used to promote the Prospectus?

Can you let me know if you are aware of any such events and if you are willing to share information about the prospectus through your networks (newsletter, Twitter etc) . Hopefully there will be an online readable version available soon, there are case studies as well as a powerpoint presentations.  Can you let me know details about any potential events or about any communication channels that can be used.

The prospectus identifies 5 themes: Promoting social enterprise, business support, market building, investment, social impact.  A matrix has been developed to look at the implementation of these themes.  The matrix has a section for each themes as follows:

  • Aim – This is an overarching aim within a theme
  • Objective – These are key objectives towards meeting the aim
  • Actions – These are actions that need to be taken to meet the objectives
  • Activities – These are specific activities that we propose to carry out

Can  you let me now if you would like me to include anything in this matrix.  This might be something that you are doing already or it might something that you feel is needed for the social enterprise sector.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,

Elaine McCorriston
Social Enterprise East of England
[email protected]

Social Enterprise: A Prospectus

Author: Steering Member
Categories: News

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