More support for voluntary sector to deal with Covid-19 impacts
Posted on: March 16, 2021
Extra funding of £4.45m is being distributed to the voluntary and community sector (VCS) across Essex to help contain and respond to Covid-19.
Voluntary organisations and community groups across Essex have since March 2020 been helping to meet residents’ need for practical, financial or emotional support through the pandemic. Food projects, advice services, mental health and domestic abuse charities and local projects helping people to shield, self-isolate, get tested or get vaccinated have all played their part (see examples below)
As we emerge from lockdown, needs are expected to grow and change again as residents hit by the pandemic pick up the pieces. People will be dealing with the mental and emotional impact of what they’ve been through and the changes and uncertainty ahead.
£1m goes to Essex Community Foundation for grants up to £20,000 for voluntary organisations
Essex County Council will distribute £1m directly in grants up to £50,000 for medium-sized frontline organisations.
Read more here.
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