Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

Posted on: December 3, 2019

Dear Colleagues,

I wanted to inform you that the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment has been completed and has been published. The JSNA is a statutory process for Health & Wellbeing Boards to identify and improve the current and future health, wellbeing and social care needs of their area. The purpose is to inform strategic decision making, commissioning of services and reduce inequalities for all ages.

This document presents data from a range of key topics which contribute to the overall the health and wellbeing of residents, in order to highlight areas of inequality and identify opportunities to improve the healthy lives for residents. The JSNA suite of products comprises a single report for Essex, 12 individual district place-based reports, and a summary statement detailing high-level findings. They are published on the Essex Open Data platform where they can be accessed by all.  The link to the documents is

The JSNA is a rich source of information for all partners and highlights that the issues identified can only be addressed with all partners working together. We will be asking that all Local HWBs place the document on their next agenda so that they can particularly discuss the local context pages.

Please feel free to share the link through your networks and with colleagues who may find this of use.

Kind regards

Ian Davidson

Chair of the Essex Strategic Coordination Group (ESCG)

Author: Steering Member
Categories: News

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