How to write a great application for community grant funding – checklist
Posted on: April 14, 2022
A check list written by Essex Is United – VCS And Community Facebook Group
Be prepared
Organisation’s aims and objectives, annual accounts, bank details, constitution
Organisation track record, policies and procedures
Staff and volunteer profiles, how the organisation is managed
Be clear
Create a project brief which should include: WHO, WHAT, WHERE, HOW,
Aims and objectives, activities, target audience, project duration
Delivery staff, key volunteers, project partners
The need the project addresses, the difference the project will make
Project milestones
Sustainability or maintenance plan
Total costs – revenue and capital
Evidence need
Consultation reports, letters of support from tenants and community groups
Quotes from community questionnaires
Expert testimonial (eg advocates for play, wildlife etc)
Demographic/statistical data, ward information, Government reports about your
Know your funder
Make sure the project fits the criteria, always read the guidelines and check your
group is eligible -
Find out who they funded before and to what level
Make sure you are asking for eligible expenditure
Is there a grants officer to contact for queries?
Do you need to identify match funding?
Leave enough time
Review the application form and the application process, assess whether you
need further information and check whether the funder will answer questions -
Proof read and edit
Double check the budget
Make sure the right people have signed the form – including partners
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