Call for county residents to shape future ECC Disability Strategy
Posted on: December 8, 2022
All county residents, including those with disabilities, their families and those who care for them, are asked to give their views on Essex County Council’s future Disability Strategy.
It is important people living with disabilities, their families and carers, and all residents of the county can feed into the development of the Disability Strategy.
A consultation on the future Disability Strategy has now been launched and your views can be given online here.
An easy read version of the consultation can be found here.
The consultation will last for 12 weeks, closing on Thursday 23 February.
Cllr John Spence, Essex County Council Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health, said: “The aim of this strategy is to be clear about our ambitions, and outline a set of commitments to the citizens of Essex who have a disability, that aligns with our aspiration for everyone to live a meaningful life.
“That means we need to know what is important to you so we can work in collaboration with partners to help you achieve it.”
“Your views are important to us. We would like to hear from you to make sure we have correctly understood the opportunities and challenges you face.”
A short video of Cllr Spence outlining why ECC is seeking your views on the future Disabilities Strategy can be found here.
If you would like to help ECC, please fill out this the consultation. It is fine for someone to help you fill out this consultation survey.
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