Access to GP Services for Children and Young People in West Essex

Posted on: September 12, 2022

Are you, or someone you care for, under 25? Have they tried to access GP services in West Essex? If so we would like to hear from you.
West Essex primary care has, since 1st July, come under the responsibility of a new NHS organisation, the Integrated Care System.
They have asked us to explore how they can make improvements. What’s working well and what can be improved? Where are the blockages in the system and how can they be opened? How can every child and young person get timely and effective access to quality care and support?
Your experience of the system can give us vital, real life insight – and can help make a difference!
Please take just a few minutes to complete our survey today. Survey responses are completely anonymous, but if you wish to tell us more about your experience, you can give your contact details at the end.

Complete the survey here. 

Author: Alliance Admin
Categories: News

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