Posted on: October 10, 2017

As we are all aware the GDPR General Data Protection Regulation will be taking effect on 25 May 2018. The Alliance provides a platform for all community sector organisations to get involved in the conversation, share knowledge and experiences.

The 12 step plan is a good guide to work through so that we can be prepared for the upcoming changes. You can download the full 12 step plan here.

An event that has been highlighted by Maldon CVS may be of interest to you, for all details please click here.

Essex CVS and Volunteer Essex have partnered with Russell Cooke Solicitors to offer voluntary and community organisations in Essex the opportunity to attend a legal briefing on the forthcoming changes to the law surrounding Data Protection.

The General Data Protection Regulation will come into force in May 2018 and organisations are advised to update their existing policies and procedures to ensure they remain compliant. The forthcoming changes will affect all organisations that collect or use individuals’ personal information.

Russell-Cooke is recognised as one of the leading law firms advising charities in the UK and one of their Associate Solicitors Carla Whalen will be providing a half day seminar covering the changes and their impact for not for profit organisations, the legal bases for processing data, privacy notices and the rights of individuals.

The seminar will take place at Anglia Ruskin University on the 16th January 2018, 1pm. Places are £45 per person including light refreshments. Book online at

Author: Sarah Huggett
Categories: News

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